“Sleep to Win!” Testimonials

“When in competition or heavy training, sleep is the most important factor in achieving my optimal athletic performance. I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night for me to feel fully recovered and energized to play my absolute best. If I don’t meet my sleep requirement, my legs feel heavy, my reaction time … Continue reading

Whoops! Sorry, I woke you up. (Part 2)

Still wondering if you and your partner are sleep compatible? We’re going to discuss a few more issues that could disturb your partner during sleep. We discussed the basic details of REM sleep last week, but we also wanted to point out a rather rare syndrome regarding REM this week. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RSBD), … Continue reading

Whoops! Sorry, I woke you up.

For most couples, sharing a bed is a pleasurable experience providing intimacy, comfort, and feelings of security, but what happens when things go bump in the night? 40 % of adults suffer occasionally from insomnia, with 10-15% experiencing chronic problems, 40% of adults snore, 4% suffer the deleterious effects of obstructive sleep apnea, 5-10% experience Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), … Continue reading

Get the sleep YOU need! – Take our sleep deprivation quiz

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you are sleep deprived! We are a nation of walking zombies. Sleep is a necessity- not a luxury. Most people need to spend nearly 1/3 of their life (219,000 hours or 25 years!)  sleeping in order to be well-rested. Why? Because the effects of sleep … Continue reading

Sleep and Athletic Performance

I started to study sleep more than 40 years ago. As a psychology professor at a major university I saw that college students in my large (2,000 student) introductory psychology course had a constant struggle with sleep deprivation—and it wasn’t simply because of my lectures! From puberty until the mid-20’s, you need 9 ¼ hours … Continue reading